Easy Jet Pond Pumps
How To Choose A Hassle Free, No Sponge Pond Pump
Get rid of the pump hassle today and save money. Most pond pumps have a drawback … and that is the sponge on the suction side that needs cleaning frequently to make sure the pump flow rate is maintained. This sponge is installed into most pumps to protect the impellor from damage that could be caused if a stone or twig got sucked into the pump. Since the impellor is rotating at high speed any contact with the impellor could seriously damage the rotating device. This is the basic reason why impellors are rarely guaranteed by any pump manufacturer.

The sponge serves no other useful purpose (with exception that it does create a small area for beneficial bacteria to grow on).
Sorry I tell a lie… when you use a pump to give a sprinkling type fountain in a pond the sponge also reduces the incidence of the fountain nozzles blocking up due to small particle getting trapped in the fountain nozzles.
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This range of pumps has been made possible by major improvements in impellor design using modern materials of construction that can handle “collisions” with small size solids without increasing power consumption. The design is extremely user friendly and modern in appearance and function. Pump has swivel outlet this outlet can be rotated through 90 degrees so that flow can come out of side if necessary instead of the top as is conventional. Head and Volume flow performance is superb. Power consumption and therefore your monthly increase in electricity bill is minor … this is very important to consider when buying any pump. Always ask your dealer to tell you this running cost. If he does not know then do not buy.
Selection Tips When You Have Waterfall
Most people have difficulty selecting the right pump for a waterfall situation so just follow these basic guidelines … if you want to be more specific and precise then look at this table and use same model but apply it to this easy jet range of pumps instead of the Focus range since actual performance is very similar. Remember if you are not sure always buy one size bigger or get in touch below.